Sunday, September 8, 2019

Media analyse-- Diffrent childhoods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Media analyse-- Diffrent childhoods - Essay Example According to UNICEF, nearly 1 billion children are underprivileged of one or more services indispensable to survival and advancement or development. One billion below 5s in developing parts of world are underweight with comparison to their age. Virtually 101 million children do not go to primary school, with additional girls as compared to boys missing out. Close to 2.5 billion populace and children lack access to enhanced sanitation. In addition, virtually 22 million children and infants are not well protected from diseases and illness by routine immunization. Another critical concern emanates from the worrying trend that virtually 7.6 million children globally died before their 5th birthday. In the year 2010-while also noting that virtually 4 million newborns and infants worldwide are typically dying in the first month of existence-2 million children well under 15 are currently living with HIV and finally nearly 500,000 women die annually from causes connected to childbirth and pre gnancy (THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CHILDREN, 134). On the figure 2, however, reveals constructions of cheerful faces of children probably from developed countries which could be a symbol for a better life. The exposure of the picture reveals a great deal of information regarding the historical basing of the children. They children appear not to be worried as compared to the other children in the figure 1 picture thus showing they have been safeguarded against all odds. Consistent with CRAE a body which protects the human rights of various children by actively lobbying government and others people who hold power. The body does this by typically bringing or supporting check cases and by using local and international human rights bodies or mechanisms children protection is highly important. The body recognizes and provides legal information; increase awareness of children’s basic human rights, and assume research about children’s admittance to their rights

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