Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Reflective journal on Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflective journal on Leadership - Essay Example In elucidating Vrooms expectancy theory, Pattanayak (2005: 183) posits that "Under conditions of free choice, an individual is motivated towards that activity which he is most capable of understanding and which he believes has the highest probability of leading him to his most preferred goal". Vroom in his theory supposed that human beings are inspired to achieve a particular purpose by anticipated standards or principles, coupled with the inference that the action geared towards the achievement of the purpose will result to the preferred principles (Pattanayak, 2005: 183). Vrooms theory has a number of components, namely valence, instrumentality, and expectancy. According to Pattanayak (2005: 183), valence denotes peoples partiality towards specific end results, and instrumentality denotes peoples acuity with regard to whether a guaranteed reward will essentially be awarded to them. Expectancy, on the other hand, represents the divergent anticipations among people in regards to thei r abilities. Vroom, as asserted by Pattanayak (2005: 183), is of the opinion that inspiration towards achievement of a specific purpose is dependent on valence, instrumentality, and expectancy. In reference to Vrooms expectancy theory, my productivity and performance in my workplace is directly related to my skills, experience, and abilities. An example of one of my skills include effective listening skills. Listening helps me effectively understand or comprehend my responsibilities in my workplace and as a result, I always achieve good results. There are also financial incentives given in my workplace. It is worth noting that these incentives act as motivators. Hard economic times in the contemporary world necessitates people to work harder in order to achieve better results, and as a consequence get better rewards. Additionally, my activities or actions are also motivated by the end results. For instance, recycling

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